Craft 10. Voice and Style

This craft analysis will examine two closely related topics: style and voice. Style might better be considered a subtype of voice. Voice generally refers to the overall nature of the prose, including things as diverse as genre, pacing, description, grammar, and spelling and punctuation. Style, which can influence any of the previous things discussed, has more to do with the nature of the voice itself. The distinction between voice and style will be explained more fully in the following sections. Continue reading “Craft 10. Voice and Style”

Craft 8. The World

This craft analysis will provide an overview of the literary world, including guidelines for how to set the rules for your world and tips for how to manage scope. Let’s begin by defining the term world as it relates to literature.  A literary world is a framework that provides a backdrop for the characters and a sense of scale for the reader. A world can be as humble as a hotel room or as grand as a galactic empire.

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Craft 5. Drafting

This craft analysis will provide an overview of drafting, the period of development that begins with the first draft and concludes with the final draft. Drafting is a fundamental component of writing, and accounts for over ninety percent of the writing process.

If you want to be a writer, you must accept the responsibility of revision. Drafting is revision, the act of re-imagining or reconsidering the important aspects of your story. Drafting begins with the first draft.

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